How to get the right audience for your website

1 juin 2021

Once you know what you want users to do on your site, you need to figure out who those users are. It is essential to clearly identify the target audience for your website when planning your website. Only then can you create strategic plans to get your website visitors to take action.

Why you need to know your target audience

If you're trying to get everyone to your website, you're probably not attracting anyone. Broadcasting to a wide network does little to help drive traffic, connect with audiences, or drive conversions. So you have to know exactly who you are trying to reach.

If you skip this step and fail to clearly identify your target audience, it can lead to various marketing issues.

  • You won't know how to speak to your audience. If you don't know who your customers are and what they like, want, and need, it's hard to know how to speak to them directly. When you can clearly visualize your audience, it's much easier to create sales pages that resonate with them.

  • You will develop a weak and vague brand image. Great branding attracts a specific target audience. If you don't know your audience, you can't build a brand that reaches them. You will end up creating branding elements that target everyone, which ends up being time-honored, bland, and boring.

  • You will find it difficult to retain and refine your customers over the long term. When your brand and marketing messages are weak and generic, they won't resonate with customers. If you can't connect with customers in this way, you'll have a hard time developing a lasting affinity or loyalty with the brand. You may even be confused with your competitors.

  • You will attract the wrong customers. Vague messages will not only prevent your target audience from being attracted to your brand, but they will also attract the wrong kind of customers. When your communication isn't targeting the right audience, you can attract prospects and unqualified customers who may not benefit from your offers.

How to know your target audience

You might think you already know who your target audience is. You may have an idea in mind. Unfortunately, this image in your mind may be wrong. Many brands and marketers make the wrong assumptions about their audience.
The only way to really know who your audience is and what they want, think, and need is to do your research. To gain insight into your target audience, you can do the following:

  • Interview your customers. Get to know the people who are already buying from you. Conduct in-person interviews with readers and former clients and buyers.

  • Interview your ideal buyers. Get to know the people you want to sell to. Identify the people who would be your ideal client and interview them as well.

  • Send surveys. Collect feedback in a more streamlined way, but by sending small surveys to your old customers and subscriber list.

  • Find out what customers are saying online. If you can't get customers to talk to you, go to places where they share their opinions online. Engage in social listening by browsing hashtags related to your brand or domain for feedback.

Once this information is collected, you will have a better idea of who your customers are and what is going on in their minds. From there, you can create a clear and detailed description of your customer, also known as a buyer or buyer persona.

How to create a buyer persona?

A buyer persona is a semi-fictional character that you create to represent your ideal customer. This is a description of an imaginary customer who meets the criteria of your target audience. To create a buyer persona for your brand, imagine your ideal buyer, then fill out the following information that describes them: 

Demographic information

  • Age
  • Sex
  • Revenue
  • Place of residence
  • Family staus
  • Annual income
  • Education

Professional information

  • Field of work
  • Profession
  • Company
  • Professional goals


  • Personality traits
  • Values
  • Attitudes
  • Interests
  • Subconscious beliefs and consciousnesses
  • Motivations
  • Priorities


  • Favorite blogs/websites
  • Favorite magazines/books
  • Preferred opinion leaders

Beliefs / Objectives

  • What does he/she believe strongly in?
  • What are the characteristics of his/her personality?
  • What are his/her personal goals?


  • What keeps him/her awake at night?
  • What are his/her difficulties?
  • What challenges does he/she face?

Purchasing process

  • What is his/her role in the purchasing process?
  • How does his/her buy regularly?
  • What are their objections to the purchase?

By filling in this information, you create a customer profile that describes your ideal buyer. Then you can bring the information to life by turning it into a story that tells a story about your target customer.

Don't just describe the persona as a list of information. Add a photo to the story and write a few paragraphs about who they are and what they need. Having a story and a photo of your target will make it easier for you to shape your marketing messages. You will keep this image in mind when creating your website.


  1. Interview your ideal customers and buyers and collect information about them.
  2. Create your buyer persona. Don't forget to add a name and a photo to it.

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