How can you improve your calls to action and get more sales?

1 juin 2021


What is a call to action?

A call to action or CTA is a statement designed to get an immediate response from the person reading or hearing it.  
CTA is used as part of a marketing strategy to get your target market to respond by taking action. 

Why use a call to action? 

Usually used at the end, or sometimes throughout a sales pitch, they let potential customers and customers know what to do next if they are interested in what you are offering.

If you find that your customers are declining your call to action, whether it's buying or just asking for more information, the problem may be that your call to action isn't relevant enough.

The main purpose of a call to action is to get your visitors to take a specific action.

How to improve calls to action?

There are several techniques to improve your calls to action. When these are well written, you can see your engagement rate increase dramatically.
Here are some techniques that you will find helpful.

  •  Write calls to action related to your products or services

Forget the classic "Contact Us" or "Subscribe" calls to action.
These are classic and generalist formulas that do not express the value of your offer.

To get visitors to buy, they need catchy phrases that relate to what you are offering that will be of real benefit to them.

  • Place your calls to action in the right places

Don't put your call to action first on your site without any explanation. People like to know why they should trust you and what your offer could do for them.

It is therefore essential to put your call to action after a short argument that explains how your product or service represents the ideal solution for your customers.

  • Be creative

Experiment with new ways to use your calls to action. It could be to include them in an explanatory video for example.

Do not get stuck in a single way of doing things but stand out. Your customers will appreciate this originality and it will certainly earn you more conversions.

The call to action is an important part of your website. Do not neglect it and take the time necessary to write it down.
This is one of the things that can turn your visitors into customers.

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